Rautaki Kounga

Pātai Puāwai

Project supervisors: Dr Lara Greaves & Dr Annie Te One

Institution: Waipapa Taumata Rau

Raumati interns: Ben Barton (Te Arawa) & Sophie Newton (Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga, Ngāti Tukorohe)

Project Summary:  The primary purpose of the project was to compile a bibliography of politics research conducted by kairangahau Māori. The project will support the endeavours of a multidisciplinary research rōpū who are exploring and designing processes for political studies in Aotearoa that will support tauira Māori and staff to thrive, enhance the inclusion and support for Māori content, tauira and colleagues and better meet the needs of hapori Māori in politics and policy spaces.

The interns were supervised by Dr Lara Greaves (Waipapa Taumata Rau) and Dr Annie Te One (Victoria University of Wellington) with advisory support from a Māori researcher rōpū: Associate Professor Maria Bargh (Victoria University of Wellington), Dr Lindsay MacDonald (University of Canterbury, and Dr Belinda Borrell (Massey University), and colleagues in related disciplines such as psychology, law, and data science.

The interns developed a range of new knowledges, research skills and experiences including working with supervisors/advisors, literature search and categorisation skills, project design and creative ways to share research results to a broad audience.

The Bibliography is currently under development and will be launched by the project team at a later stage.

Project commenced:
Project completed

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