Project purpose: To carry out a literature search and review on the topic of language revitalisation – with a focus on Māori language (particularly the Rongomaiwahine/Ngāti Kahungunu dialects where possible).

The programme of work to be carried out: Search and review the relevant literature focusing on the key words: Māori language, resources, revitalisation and dialects; and write the results up as a paper of 3,000 to 5,000 words. This is the main task and will be commenced from day one and be completed by the end of February 2012.

Day to day nature of the work: Gathering data by seeking and selecting relevant material from mainly in The University of Auckland library, or on the internet; taking notes and references; writing up the results as a paper with proper citations.

Skills the student will learn

  1. Research skills
  2. Note-taking
  3. Processing information
  4. Writing up results.