Dr Jane Kitson is an ecologist and environmental scientist with a background in traditional ecological knowledge research. Currently, Dr Kitson works in a consultancy capacity undertaking environmental research, science, and project management. Previously, Dr Kitson worked at Te Ao Mārama Incorporated in Invercargill (2012 -2013), which is a resource management agency set up by Ngāi Tahu ki Murihiku to look after resource management and other aspects related to local government in Southland.
Dr Kitson has worked in a range of research and management projects including doctoral research on traditional ecological knowledge and harvest management of tītī (Puffinus griseus); microbial food webs in lakes; and coastal and freshwater environmental science in various scientist roles at Environment Southland, Southland Regional Council (2002 – 2011).
Dr Kitson led the Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga (NPM) project on kanakana/lamprey and the use of harvest mātauranga to monitor population trends. She also managed the compilation of the State of Southland’s Freshwater Environment Reports, co-authored by Environment Southland and Te Ao Marama Inc. and until recently was involved in the science of Waituna Lagoon.