• Applications for NPM's Summer Internship Programme are open once again! 30 summer internship positions will be selected and confirmed from the 49 project proposals.

  • Recent weeks have seen an increased focus on issues of inequality and racism in Aotearoa's educational system, particularly within its tertiary sector. NPM is sharing recent open letters regarding action called for by many Māori and Indigenous academic colleagues internationally.

  • NPM Researchers have this week been celebrating successful proposals in the 2020 round of the Endeavour Fund, which plays a unique role in the science system through an open, contestable process with a focus on both research excellence and a broad range of impacts.

  • In Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori, one of NPM Principal Researchers in Te Reo me ngā Tikanga Māori, Dr Rachael Ka'ai-Mahuta of Te Ipukarea, published an article in The Conversation highlighting her current NPM research and Making te reo Māori cool: what language revitalisation could learn from the Korean Wave – check out this article here in both

  • NPM Researcher Dr Dan Hikuroa has contributed to the recently published book Communicating Science: A Global Perspective. This book includes a chapter on Aotearoa New Zealand, entitled “Participatory science and bicultural knowledge communication” and documents the global emergence of modern science communication.  

  • Nō mātou te whiwhi! Piri mai ki te whakarongo ki ngā Tumu Whakarae o Māori Television,  Te Māngai Pāho me Te Mātāwai. Ka whakaputaina i ō rātou whakaaro e hāngai ana ki te mahi ngātahi mō te rangahau i te reo Māori te kaupapa i raro i Te Papa Kōrero. Nau mai, hono mai rā hei kaupapa whakakapinga mō Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori.

  • Five of the nine recipients of the Ako Aotearoa Tertiary Teaching Excellence Awards this year are outstanding Māori tertiary teachers.  Winning awards in the Kaupapa Māori category were: Associate Professor Anne-Marie Jackson,

  • On the 31st August, an NPM panel of esteemed Māori researchers met in a live video webinar session to investigate, expose and discuss the ethics of rationing health in a racialised society.