• Read --> a situation report from the Amerindian Support Network at the University of São Paulo, Brazil. The Amerindian Network connects with eight Mbya Guarani Tekoa and organize to broaden understanding of the different life contexts of indigenous communities both in and outside of Brazil, their struggle for human and civil rights, especially involving issues concerning land demarcation, differentiated education and health.  Faced with the crisis of COVID-19, this report summarises selected news items regarding the situation of different communities and indigenous peoples in Brazil. At the end of this piece, some critical challenges based on ongoing conversations with the Mbya Guarani people are summarised.

    Photo credit: Danilo Silva Guimarães & Rafaela Waddington Achatz. Students outside the House of Indigenous Peoples, University of São Paulo

  • The COVID-19 pandemic has been taking hold of our Indigenous communities, nations and lives.

  • Kowhiti19, kei hea tōu mārie?

    Covid 19, where is your calm?

    E te momo kaitangata, kei hea tōu āiotanga?

    O human-eating species, where is your serenity?

    Ngaua i runga, ngaua i raro.

    Devouring from above, devouring from below

    Ngaua i tata, ngaua i mamao.

    Consuming from close by, consuming from afar

  • WATCH--> Dr Hinekura Smith (Te Rarawa, Ngāpuhi) messaging to the Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga MAI Te Kupenga Doctoral network on staying well during COVID-19 Alert level 4 Aotearoa/New Zealand State of Emergency.  Hinekura i

  • READ--> The New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse (NZFVC) and researchers at Ngā Wai a Te Tūī launch the new Whare Māori portal to keep whānau and communities safe. 

  • WATCH--> Dr Valance Smith (Ngāpuhi, Waikato, Ngāti Haina, Ngāti Pākehā) messaging on "Noho ki te kāinga" - Stay at Home during COVID-19 Alert level 4 Aotearoa/New Zealand State of Emergency.  Valance has recently been appointed to Assistant Pro-Vice Chancellor (Māori Adavncement) and leads the Mātauranga Māori Strategy at AUT. 

  • WATCH--> Dr Dan Hikuroa (Ngāti Maniapoto, Tainui, Te Arawa) messaging on "Noho ki te kāinga" - Stay at Home during COVID-19 Alert level 4 Aotearoa/New Zealand State of Emergency. Dr Dan Hikuroa is an Earth systems scientist and a senior lecturer in Māori Studies Te Wānanga o Waipapa, University of Auckland. He was the Research Director for Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga from July 2011 - December 2015.

  • WATCH --> Professor Suzanne Pitama (Ngati Kahungunu) messaging on "Noho ki te kāinga" - Stay at Home during COVID-19 Alert level 4 Aotearoa/New Zealand State of Emergency. Suzanne Pitama (Ngati Kahungunu) is the Associate Dean Maori and Professor at the University of Otago, Christchurch. Suzanne is also the Chair of The Māori Health Committee, a statutory committee of the Health Research Council and responsible for advising Council on health research for Māori, including cultural issues relating to the gathering, verification, and validation of information.