• The Kupu app has been produced as a result of a collaboration between Spark, Google and the research team of Te Aka Māori - Te Ipukarea at Auckland University of Technology.

  • NPM recently acknowledged a decision of the High Court to overturn an application to mine iron sands from the South Taranaki seabed.
  • The NPM conference this year includes a new Indigenous Arts and Performance theme Ka Haka II, led by one of our research partners Auckland University of Technology (AUT).

  • The theme for this years 8th Biennial International Indigenous Research Conference (IIRC18) is “Indigenous Futures”, and in 2018 keynotes are being delivered by Dr Chelsea Bond (Munanjahli and South Sea Islander woman), Dr Marie Delorme (Métis, Canada), Professor Charles Menzies (First Nations, Canada, Member of Gitxaala Nation), 'Aulani Wilhelm (Hawaiian), Professor Poia Rewi

  • E te tai whakarunga, e te tai whakararo, pari mai ki te ākau o Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga e mihi manahau ake ki a tātou katoa i runga i tēnei wiki o te reo Māori.

    Kakama mai i runga i ngā ngaru pae o whakapeto ngoi, i ngā ngaru pou o whakatangetange riaka.  Kia rite ai te reo ki te tai o te tahuna moana, ka ngunguru i te pō, ka ngunguru i te ao.

  • Professor Poia Rewi (Tūhoe, Ngāti Manawa, Te Arawa) has been appointed Deputy Director of Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga 1 July 2018 - 31 December 2020.

  • At the half way point of our current Centre of Research Excellence contract, we farewelled from the Research Leadership Team Drs' James Ataria (Lincoln University) and Emma Wyeth (University of Otago) who have completed their roles of Co-Deputy Director for NPM, since 2016 for a term of two and half years.

  • For students interested in getting some real research experience, and working with senior NPM researchers over the coming 2018-2019 summer, our internship programme is intended to provide experience and support for Māori students wanting to pursue a career in research.