• Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga (NPM) is pleased to announce a new programme of scholarships and grants totalling over $500,000 for 2016.

  • Kia hiwa ra! Kia hiwa ra!


    Kua hinga he totara teitei i te wao nui ā Tāne.

    Ko Ranginui Walker terā.

    Takoto mai e kara i te takotoranga o nga mātua tūpuna.

    Tenei mātou o te Whare Wānanga O Tāmaki te tangi kau ake.

    Haere, haere, haere ra.


  • A new 2015 documentary - He Mangōpare Amohia: Strategies for Māori Economic Development - has just been uploaded to our Media Centre. This film highlights the work conducted by Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi, in partnership with Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Awa, four participating iwi – Ngāti Awa, Ngāti Kahungunu, Te Whānau-ā-Apanui and Ngāpuhi – and with NPM - providing an insight into their work and findings.

  • On Wednesday 26th August and in the sixth of Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga’s (NPM) Horizons of Insight Seminars for 2015, Professor Helen Moewaka Barnes from Massey University, will present a professorial lecture on Māori and Research Advancement and Managing with the Minimum.

    Helen has been a leading researcher in the Academy for many years now and contrary to what many might like to think, she holds the view that Māori and research advancement is not a trajectory where one development builds on another.

  • Two new Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga (NPM) grants have just been announced!


    Applications have opened once again for NPM's annual Summer Research Internships.

    This successful programme is designed for Māori or Indigenous students who are interested in pursuing a career in research.

  • The 2015 Massey University, Ngā Kupu Ora Aotearoa Māori Book Awards shortlist was announced last week, and NPM has connections to four of the publications.

    Our congratulations go all the authors and editors for their contribution to Māori scholarship and writing, but in particular would like to acknowledge the following three books which all received funding from NPM's publication support grants programme.

    Melissa Matutina Williams for Panguru and the City: Kāinga Tahi, Kāinga Rua - An Urban Migration History. (http://www.bwb.co.nz/books/panguru-and-the-city)

  • Tracing the building of a waka in the far north Te Roroa Waipoua Forest Community, the 40 minute documentary - Te Hiringa o te Tangata - was produced as part of the NPM Te Rau Tītapu Wānanga Research Project, which has been underway since 2011.

    This project was initiated with the purpose of investigating and creating models of 'ideal' wānanga, which could inspire iwi communities not just in Te Roroa and Te Tai Tokerau, but around the country.

  • The seminar Taunakitia Te Marae: Marae as Centres of Excellence - a Te Arawa Perspective, is now available online at our Media Centre.

    Presented by Aneta Morgan (Te Arawa) the seminar outlines their research project which broadly looked into the factors that are required to ensure that marae can be centres of excellence for their people.