WATCH --> Dr Waikaremoana Waitoki being interviewed by NPM Board member Scotty Morrison of Te Karere. Waikaremoana discusses why the resources prepared to provide support during COVID-19 Aotearoa/New Zealand State of Emergency do not hit the mark for Māori. She argues for a targeted approach specifically for Māori, and health resources on Covid-19 need to reflect a Māori worldview. Waikaremoana is a Clinical Psychologist specialising in mental health based at the Māori and Psychology Research Unit, University of Waikato.  Her research interests are in Kaupapa Māori psychology, and adult, child and adolescent mental health.


Using #COVID_19Indigenous_World to connect the Indigenous World

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Covid-19: Māori worldview needs to be reflected in health resources

He Kōrero | Our Stories

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