2012 Symposium Enhancing Māori Distinctiveness
Te Arawa Research Showcase: Hiria McRae
Hiria McRae is the programme facilitator for Whakapiki i te Reo ki Ako Pai for the Ministry of Education. Her current research includes being project director for “Evaluation Research on the Development of Marautanga ā kura with Whānau, Iwi and Kura” for the Ministry of Education and "Māori student success – A Te Arawa Case Study”, for the Te Arawa Researchers group, ‘Te Ara a Ihenga’. She is also a PHD (education) candidate with the topic - “Ngāti Whakaue Iho Ake – Mātauranga a Iwi / Tikanga a Iwi - An Iwi Science Education Exploration”