Dr Jane Kitson is an ecologist and environmental scientist with a background in traditional ecological knowledge research. She has worked in a range of research and management projects including doctoral research on traditional ecological knowledge and harvest management of tītī (Puffinus griseus); microbial food webs in lakes; and coastal and freshwater environmental science as a scientist at Environment Southland, Southland Regional Council. Jane works at Te Ao Mārama Incorporated in Invercargill, which is a resource management agency set up by manawhenua to look after resource management and other aspects related to local government in Southland/Murihiku.
She leads the Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga project on kanakana/lamprey and the use of harvest mātauranga to monitor population trends. She also managed the compilation of the State of Southland’s Freshwater Environment Reports, co-authored by Environment Southland and Te Ao Marama Inc. and until recently was heavily involved in the science of Waituna Lagoon. Jane is also involved with the New Zealand Freshwater Sciences Society and is on its executive committee.