Doctoral Thesis


Pae Ora

Pātai Whānau

Project commenced:
Project completed

PhD Candidate: Hannah Rapata (Kāi Tahu)

Primary Supervisors: Associate Professor Donna Cormack

This research is focused on “Te Kai Ora a Kāi Tahu” and will use kaupapa Māori qualitative methods to explore opportunities to strengthen connections between Kāi Tahu whenua, peoples, and waters.

The centrality of mahika kai to Kāi Tahu identity will be explored with regards to the future of Kāi Tahu whānau and hapori control over kai sources, kai systems and kai practices for kai ora.

The convergence of Māori food sovereignty and Māori nutrition data sovereignty will be explored and discussed from a national level through an analysis of national survey reports and secondary data. The findings from this analysis will inform dialogue for the future of “Te Kai Ora a Kāi Tahu” within the context of the convergence of Māori food sovereignty and Māori nutrition data.