Matakitenga project


Pae Ahurei

Pātai Mauri

Project commenced:

Street design in Aotearoa has had limited involvement from iwi, hapū and Māori hāpori to date and yet streets are everywhere, they connect us to each other, they are communication channels and spaces and places to engage with others. What then might a Māori street look and feel like?  The project will take a mixed methods approach rooted in a Kaupapa Māori methodology whereby Māori knowledge is privileged. The project aims to bring together mātauranga Māori – defined here as all types of knowledge – traditional, contemporary, and evolving – held by Māori and design approaches drawn from Western knowledge to elevate Māori aspirations in contemporary urban settings. Through a review of historical information in relation to settlement and street design for Māori and co-design hui with Māori across the country to explore street design, the contribution of this project is to develop a clear direction from a wide group of Māori voices on the design of our [Māori] streets – that is, streets that provide the stage for whānau transformation.  

The project aims to be impactful for three groups.  1) Māori Hāpori – A tool will be developed for Māori hāpori to support the mana motuhake of these communities to self-advocate for change that benefits Māori. 2) NGO Advocacy Groups and in particular Living Streets - The project will provide a tool for advocacy groups such as the NGO, Living Streets for them to advocate on behalf of Māori communities for aligned outcomes. The project aims to develop a clearer understanding of Māori aspirations for streets and influence government policy to allow those aspirations to come to fruition.  

Research Lead(s) and Team  

Dr Rebecca Kiddle   

Dr Morehu McDonald  

Dr Marjorie Lipsham  

Dr Kimiora Raerino