This research project aims to characterise the possible effects of agricultural and industrial activity on the well-being of the Mataura River, using an approach that includes a monitoring framework developed by Ngāi Tahu alongside ecotoxicological methodologies. Ngāi Tahu concerns over the increasing degradation of the catchment have underpinned this research project. The project team is confident this research will complement local hapū efforts to build greater research capability on the state of the Mataura River and its resources in order to fulfil their responsibilities as kaitiaki.


•    Pauling C. State of the Taikiwa He Puau Awa: Cultural Health Assessment of the Mataura and Waikawa Catchments. Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu Report. 58 pp.
•    Ataria J, Trainor, R. 2008. Ngāi Tahu Mahinga Kai Enhancement Fund Preliminary Report (2008). 5 pp

•    James M. Ataria, Olivier Champeau, Gen Kume, Rodney Trainor, Grant Northcott and Louis A. Tremblay. 2008. Eels as Biomonitor Species on the Mataura River, New Zealand.  Poster Presentation at the SETAC North America 29th Annual Meeting in Tampa 5th SETAC World Congress, 16 - 20 November 2008, Tampa Convention Centre, Florida, United States of America.
•    James M. Ataria, Olivier Champeau, Gen Kume, Rodney Trainor, Grant Northcott and Louis A. Tremblay. 2008. Eels as Biomonitor Species on the Mataura River, New Zealand.  Platform Session at the 5th SETAC World Congress, 3 - 7 August 2008, Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre, Sydney, Australia.

Popular Articles
•    Ataria, J. 2007. Researchers and Tangata Whenua Investigate Mataura River. Te Pūtara. 11 (August). Pg 6.
•    Stauber and van Dam 2007.  Regional Feature – New Zealand for the The Globe SETAC Publication. Pg 13.
•    Ataria, J. 2007. Project overview for the Tiaki Mahinga Kai website.
•    Ataria, J. 2007. Researchers and Tangata Whenua Investigate Mataura River. Te Pūtara, Environmental Risk Management Authority publication. Issue 11. August. Pg 7.
•    Te Karaka (2008)
•    Newslink  (2008)
•    Māori Begin Project to Rejuvenate Mataura River, Southland Times 14 August 2007. Ataria J., Anglem R., Trainor, R. 2007.
•    Researchers and Tangata Whenua Investigate River’s Ills. Discovery. Landcare Research Ltd. Issue 17. Pg 5.

Guest Lecture
•    March 2008. Ataria, Trainor, Tremblay, Northcott. Southland Institute of Technology Bachelor of Environmental Management.

Project commenced: