Doctoral Thesis

23 PHD 02

Pae Ahurei

Pātai Puāwai

Project commenced:
Project completed

PhD Researcher: Keita Durie (Ngāti Kauwhata, Rangitāne, Ngāi te Rangi) (MU)

Primary supervisor: Professor Huia Tomlins-Jahnke (MU)

Project summary:

Keita’s research is a qualitative case study on MANUKURA and sets out to explore what practices and/or principles are gained from the kura that support ākonga Māori in their educational aspirations. To achieve this, Keita is interested in the voices of raukura (graduates) of MANUKURA and their whānau, current senior ākonga and their whānau, kaiako, and key people who contributed to the early stages of developing this kura. Some of these people include whānau, past kaiako and staff, the founders of MANUKURA, and some Board of Trustee members (past & present). Keita aims to answer the overarching research question ‘How are the educational aspirations of ākonga realised within a Māori model of education?’ The study’s three sub-research questions are: 1. What are the educational aspirations of ākonga Māori? 2. How can they be realised in the context of education in Aotearoa? 3. What conditions (practices/principles) empower ākonga Māori in their educational aspirations? This study will support educational stakeholders to understand where the barriers and opportunities lie for ākonga Māori at MANUKURA and will also make a valuable contribution to understandings about how ākonga Māori could be better supported in their education aspirations which promote more equitable pathways for ākonga Māori, that could be adapted by other schools.