Project commenced:

This research explored Māori views and access to Assisted Human Reproduction (AHR). The researchers carried out a series of interviews with key stakeholders to identify key themes, and a number of hui were run to ascertain broader Māori views towards infertility, use of AHR, AHR policy and legislative change, and the interface between tikanga Māori and various ethical scenarios that have emerged in the field of AHR.


•    Glover, M., Rousseau, B. “Your child is your whakapapa”: Māori Considerations of Assisted Human Reproduction and Relatedness. Sites: New Series 4 (2), 117-136, 2007.
•    Glover, M.P., McCree, A., Dyall, L. ‘Assisted Human Reproduction: Issues for Takatāpui (New Zealand Indigenous Non-Heterosexuals)’. Journal of GLBT Family Studies, pp.27, accepted for publication 24 July 2007.
•    Glover, M. ‘Māori attitudes to Assisted Human Reproduction: An Exploratory Study.’ Auckland, Social and Community Health, School of Population Health, University of Auckland, pp.186, 2008.
•    Glover, M., McCree, A., Dyall, L. ‘Māori Attitudes to Assisted Human Reproduction: An Exploratory Study. Summary Report’. Auckland, Social and Community Health, School of Population Health, University of Auckland, pp.36, 2007.

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