Project purpose: To determine what factors affect the usage of computers in te reo Māori by students in the schooling sector?

The programme of work to be carried out: Identifying Māori Medium Schools that could possibly undertake computing in Māori, then contacting them and querying them on their usage of te reo Māori in the children's computing activities. Then analysing and writing up the results.

Day to day nature of the work: The project will consist of three phases. First, identify the kura/wharekura to be targeted and then determine how best to approach these schools. Ethics approval will need to be confirmed. This is to be undertaken with close supervision by Dr. Keegan. The second stage will be to contact the schools and illicit feedback on the use of their computers in te reo Māori, this may be done on-line, on the phone, or in person. The candidate is expected to do this initially with supervision but eventually to be done on their own. The third phase consists of analysing the collected data.

Skills the student will learn

  1. How to undertake oral and on-line surveys.
  2. How to analyse survey results.
  3. How to write publications summarising the data