Matakitenga project


Pae Tawhiti

Pātai Puāwai

Project commenced:

This project, in collaboration with Te Weu Charitable Trust, will undertake a scoping study that aims to understand the research needs of Māori communities in Te Tairāwhiti, specifically in relation to climate change. Whānau, hapū and iwi within Te Tairāwhiti are knowledge holders, ringa raupā, and leaders about the local environment and local communities. This unique and comprehensive knowledge system is central to our cultural identity and well-being and is pivotal to climate change adaptation, mitigation and building resilient communities. Despite its significance, no systematic effort has been made to map climate and oranga/wellbeing-related research undertaken within Te Tairāwhiti and test its utility and impact on Māori communities and whānau. The research will conduct a landscape mapping exercise to understand the research carried out in and about Te Tairāwhiti, with a particular emphasis on the gaps and opportunities within the research landscape that will serve to support Māori, whānau and hapū, and whenua climate research needs moving into the future. 

Research Lead(s) and Team 

Lead: Dr Teah Carlson (Te Whānau-a-Apanui, Ngāti Porou) (MU), with Dr Naomi Simmonds (Raukawa) (Taku Tapuwae), Dayna Chaffey (Ngāti Porou) (Te Weu Charitable Trust), Renee Raroa (Ngāti Porou) (Te Weu Charitable Trust), & Manu Caddie (Ngāti Pūkenga, Ngāti Ranginui, Ngāti Hauā) (Te Weu Charitable Trust).