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  • Events & Launches

    The report tracks 25 years of wellbeing using census data to construct and report on household wellbeing indicators overtime. The report was commissioned by Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga and written by Associate Professor Cindy Kiro, Martin von Randow and Andrew Sporle.

  • Events & Launches

    Sanma is a province of Vanuatu which includes the second largest city in Vanuatu, Luganville and the islands of Malo and Espiritu Santo. In this video, Peter Napwatt from the Vanuatu Agricultural College discusses with Ranga Tatenga how climate change is impacting on cocoa crops and strategies for adapting to these changes.

  • Events & Launches

    Torba is the northernmost province of Vanuatu that includes the Banks Islands and Torres Islands. In this video climate change scientist Dr Jim Salinger and farmers from Torba interview coconut farmer Kevin Henderson on how changes in weather patterns are affecting his crops.

    These video clips were recorderd using Flip Videos and edited on I Movie for an English speaking audience.

  • Documentaries

    The Ahuriri or Napier Estuary is of significant value to both tangata whenua and the Hawke’s Bay community as a whole. Historical and current environmental pressures, together with some questionable management processes over the years, had caused an almost total cultural disconnection between the tangata whenua and the estuary.

  • Documentaries

    AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples is a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary scholarly journal. It presents indigenous worldviews from native indigenous perspectives. The journal spans themes of origins, place, peoples, community, culture, traditional and oral history, heritage, colonialism, power, intervention, development and self-determination.