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  • Documentaries

    This project examined current practices for measuring Māori participation and achievement in science and mathematics, investigated student experiences of science and mathematics in English medium and Māori medium schools and investigated the views of whānau, parents, caregivers and teachers of Māori students regarding science and mathematics education.

  • Documentaries

    Te Rau Tītapu is a community‐based wānanga initiative which is being conducted in the community of Waipoua, north of Dargaville in Northland.

  • Documentaries

    Te Rau Tītapu is an ongoing wānanga project based in and around in the Waipoua Forest Community. It was initiated in late 2011 to study wānanga – as a process not an institution – with the purpose of creating models of 'ideal' wānanga for implementation by iwi communities not just in Te Tai Tokerau, but around the country. 

  • Documentaries

    There are multiple Government funded initiatives aimed at addressing Māori language decline, including increasing the amount of Māori Language spoken, maintenance and quality. Te Puni Kokiri (2006 Health of the Māori Language Report) touched on the attitudes of wider New Zealand society towards the Māori language as unengaging and unlikely to change in the immediate future (p.7).

  • Documentaries

    The Hauraki Māori Trust Board and the Cawthron Institute are collaborating in this research project which stems from a spate of dog deaths on the beaches of Tīkapa Moana (the Hauraki Gulf) in August 2009. The dogs died from the poison tetrodotoxin (TTX) and this poison was present in sea slugs that had washed up on beaches.