Tēnā koe, otirā, tēnā koutou katoa


He karanga tēnei ki ngā pia tini whāioio o Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga, koutou kua papata ki ngā moka, ki ngā tōpito o te motu, nā reira tēnā koutou katoa.  He inoi tēnei kia tauawhi mai i te kaupapa nei.


Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga (NPM) extends a warm greeting to the many tauira who have been part of the NPM experience over the years.

We are asking for your assistance with a simple online survey as part of our contractual obligations to our funders.



NPM has opened this small online survey to help assemble some vital information on where previously supported and funded NPM tauira (students) are now.

The Kei Hea Koe Ināianei survey is designed to capture information on where past and present tauira are currently located, and what they are doing, following NPM's earlier support or engagement (e.g. study, scholarship, award, supervision, internship or MAI Te Kupenga).


Whether it is still in formal study, post-graduate placements, full or part-time employment - NPM would like to find out more about your current circumstances.

If you are a past or current NPM supported or engaged tauira please spare 5 minutes to complete this online form and survey, it would be greatly appreciated and would assist both us and future tauira.


He Kōrero | Our Stories

Natalie Netzler is investigating the anti-viral properties of Samoan plants and is interested in researching the anti-viral properties of rongoā, in partnership with Māori practitioners.

Neuroscientist Nicole Edwards is establishing her own lab at the University of Auckland and is eager to tautoko students interested in a career in brain research.

AUT senior lecturer Deborah Heke encourages wāhine Māori to cherish their connection with te taiao.