In 2016 and 2017 Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga together with its research partners and network developed and commenced 19 new seed and scope projects which were designed to test, progress and advance initial research ideas and propositions through to fully realised projects.
Now in 2018, NPM has announced 11 further new seed and scope research projects which will together continue to contribute to NPM’s research programme.
The new research outlined in these projects ranges from ecological bio-control agents and the sustainability of brown kiwi, to primary care mental health issues and the modelling of new enterprise. This array of research aligns with specific community aspirations and each of the projects is innovative and inspiring and together they will assist in achieving our collective aspirations and lead to real impact.
The 11 new NPM research projects are:
Te Tai Ao: The Natural Environment
- Whakahonotia Ngā Taonga Rerekē – exploring Māori values and uses of ecological bio-control agents led by Dr Amanda Black (Lincoln University)
- Kia Ū - virtual reality engagement with the taiao, and rangatahi well-being led by Dr Anne-Marie Jackson (University of Otago)
- Ahi kouka i te ata, he ai i te pō – the value of kouka from a Māori lens led by Associate Professor Nick Roskruge (Massey University)
- Genomics for kaitiakitanga: whakapapa and sustainability of Ipipiri brown kiwi led by Dr Simon Hills (Massey University)
- Harakeke for a sustainable future in Whakaki led by Dr Simon Hills (Massey University)
Mauri Ora: Human Flourishing
- Māori leading speech-language therapy: Future directions for Aotearoa led by Dr Karen Brewer (University of Auckland)
- Scoping Rangatahi Primary Mental Health Issues, Care and Services - A kaupapa Māori approach to identifying the gaps and need led by Associate Professor Sue Crengle (University of Otago)
- The impact of incarceration on whānau health and well-being led by Dr Emma Wyeth (University of Otago)
- Aro ki te wairua o te hā – Wairua approach to birthing and pregnancy led by Dr Teah Carlson (Massey University)
- Wai-Tai, Wai-Rua: A mātauranga Māori based Heke Ngaru programme to promote Mauri Ora led by Dr Jordan Wapiti (University of Waikato)
Whai Rawa: Māori Economies
- Te Hononga: Modelling indigenous collaborative enterprise led by Dr Matthew Roskruge (Massey University)
“Each of the new projects is expected to benefit our communities and build pathways towards larger benefits in the future. We are extremely pleased to see these new and very capable teams come together to undertake this exciting research and look forward to all working towards our common goal over the year ahead, of Māori leading New Zealand into the future.”
He Kōrero | Our Stories
Natalie Netzler is investigating the anti-viral properties of Samoan plants and is interested in researching the anti-viral properties of rongoā, in partnership with Māori practitioners.
Neuroscientist Nicole Edwards is establishing her own lab at the University of Auckland and is eager to tautoko students interested in a career in brain research.
AUT senior lecturer Deborah Heke encourages wāhine Māori to cherish their connection with te taiao.