The Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga Board hosted its 2019 Hui-ā-Tau AGM at the Royal Society Te Apārangi in Wellington on Thursday 23 May.  

It was a powerful day of celebrating our 2018 highlights together with our 21 partner representatives, Principal Investigators and Research Leadership Team.

NPM Board Chair, Kerensa Johnston, led the hui encouraging reflective discussion on what NPM might look like in 10 years’ time and what we need to do to get there.  

The Research Leadership Team shared their vision for the upcoming Government Centre of Research Excellence (CoRE) rebid process and enjoyed significant interactive discussion.

The CoRE Fund was established in 2001 to encourage the development of excellent tertiary education-based research that is collaborative, strategically focused and creates significant knowledge transfer activities. NPM is currently funded by government through to the end of 2020 - and we are seeking to extend our funding for another term.

At the Hui-ā-Tau, we took time out for a special ceremony.   The President and Vice President of Royal Society Te Apārangi presented NPM Co-Director Professor Linda Waimarie Nikora with her RSNZ Fellowship. The Royal Society has more than 400 Fellows from across New Zealand who are elected to their Academy for distinction in research or for advancing science, technology and the humanities.

Waimarie joins a very small group of Māori researchers, including our other NPM Co-Director Professor Jacinta Ruru, who have been elected a Fellow of the Royal Society Te Apārangi.

We thank everyone for contributing towards our 2018 success and for being with us at our Hui-ā-Tau.

He Kōrero | Our Stories

Natalie Netzler is investigating the anti-viral properties of Samoan plants and is interested in researching the anti-viral properties of rongoā, in partnership with Māori practitioners.

Neuroscientist Nicole Edwards is establishing her own lab at the University of Auckland and is eager to tautoko students interested in a career in brain research.

AUT senior lecturer Deborah Heke encourages wāhine Māori to cherish their connection with te taiao.