Two engaging new videos have recently been uploaded to our Media Centre as part of NPM's Covid-19 programme of outreach into our research networks and wider communities.
As the country has adapted to the realities of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, the elderly were identified very early on as a vulnerable population of our whānau, hapū and iwi.
NPM Senior Research Fellow, Dr Teorongonui Josie Keelan, led an engagement programme with Ngāti Whakaue kaumātua which has highlighted stories of resilience, of connectivity, of whānau and hapū, of leadership and of problem solving, all tied up in the catch cry of “Feed the Pā”.
Josie had a conversation with five kaumātua to gain an understanding of their outlooks, perspectives and approaches to this uncertain environment:
- Wiremu Keepa
- Miriama Searancke
- Iris Thomas
- Tuatini Sinnott
- Vickimae Bhana
You can view these videos on our Media Centre here now!
He mihi nunui tēnei ki a rātau no te mea i whakaae rātau ki te haramai ki te whakatakoto ō rātau whakaaro mo te mate urutā me te nohoanga ō rātau me ō rātau whānau hoki.
Thank you to the elders who participated and told the story of their experience of the pandemic, Covid-19, and that of their family and community.
He mihi anō ki ngā kaitautoko o tēnei mahi ki te hopu o rātau whakaaro. Ā, ko:
- Kia eke kairangi ki te taikaumātuatanga
- Te Wānanga o Aotearoa
Thank you also to the following for their support:
- Ageing Well National Science Challenge
- Te Wānanga o Aotearoa (Waiwhero Campus, Rotorua)

He Kōrero | Our Stories
Natalie Netzler is investigating the anti-viral properties of Samoan plants and is interested in researching the anti-viral properties of rongoā, in partnership with Māori practitioners.
Neuroscientist Nicole Edwards is establishing her own lab at the University of Auckland and is eager to tautoko students interested in a career in brain research.
AUT senior lecturer Deborah Heke encourages wāhine Māori to cherish their connection with te taiao.