In Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori, one of NPM Principal Researchers in Te Reo me ngā Tikanga Māori, Dr Rachael Ka'ai-Mahuta of Te Ipukarea, published an article in The Conversation highlighting her current NPM research and Making te reo Māori cool: what language revitalisation could learn from the Korean Wave – check out this article here in both te reo Māori and English.

Rachael and team’s NPM research focusses on how the Māori language can be better supported in the lives of adolescents and is based on the idea that the Māori language of adolescence forms the building blocks of non-formal adult language.

“... preliminary findings show the potential strategic importance of the adolescent age group for Māori language revitalisation. Teenagers are trendsetters – as such, they can have an impact on (and be influenced by) the perceived value of the Māori language and therefore its status.”

He Kōrero | Our Stories

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