Scoping project

Pae Tawhiti

Pātai Mauri

Project commenced:
Project completed

Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga supported Mana Taiao Tairāwhiti (MTT) in their submission to the Ministerial Inquiry into Land Use in Tairāwhiti and Te Wairoa. Mana Taiao Tairāwhiti (MTT) is an informal network of Tairāwhiti residents and others concerned about land use and the impacts of woody debris.

The MTT submission is unique in that it is based on a systematic review of more than 130 peer reviewed studies and other reference material, along with the testimony and evidence provided by residents affected by land use and weather events in Tairāwhiti. It relied on thousands of hours of volunteer time to pull different threads together. Many of these volunteers continue to deal with the impacts of recent events themselves – emotionally and physically.

The MTT collective and effort focussed decades of work and experience. MTT has presented this work in a series of papers available from the Mana Taiao Tairawhiti website