This project addresses the crucial gap in previous research by studying the everyday lives and positive relationships of Māori men in the context of men’s health. Māori men face many challenges in maintaining health and in developing meaningful and culturally patterned relationships.

The project explores supportive relationships and positive social interactions among three diverse groups of Māori men: those engaged in traditional practices in their home settings (Ngāti Maniapoto Kaumātua); those who have migrated to an urban centre and work to maintain links back home (Tūhoe ki Waikato); and those who are experiencing street homelessness (Pani me te rawakore).

All three groups are engaged in practices that foster supportive relationships and positive social interactions. In each case, the research team is studying the group and investigating the relationships among the men, and with women and children. They are also comparing practices and processes, and integrating insights from previous studies. Results will be shared with each group, their whānau, and the Māori community throughout the project.


Conference presentations

Rua, M. (2012, June). Become less staunch and a bit more compassionate: Māori men’s relational notions of health. International Indigenous Development Research Conference 2012. Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga, Auckland, New Zealand.


Project commenced: