NPM is holding a series of virtual online hui over the next two weeks - highlighting our new contestable fund for research funding.

The Kia Tō Kia Tipu award, will seed new research, providing funding to the initial project research stages of up to $25,000 for no more than one year duration. The Kia Ārohi Kia Mārama award, is designed to scope an actual research project, and will provide funding of up to $60,000 for no more than one year duration.

All of the new projects must fit within one of our research themes, and with this in mind NPM is holding a series of online, virtual hui - for anyone interested in finding out more.

The Mauri Ora Research Theme is holding two virtual hui (video and tele-conference meetings) to discuss this research investment and provide further details. These will be hosted by Mauri Ora Co-Theme Leader - Professor Linda Waimarie Nikora.

Linda would like to invite you to meet virtually with her, in an online environment, to discuss and outline the process involved:

The two Mauri Ora hui are scheduled for:     

  • Thursday, 14th July, 10-11am
  • Friday, 15th July, 3-4pm

The Whai Rawa Research Theme is also having a series of virtual hui (video and tele-conference) to discuss the research investment and details. These hui will be hosted by the Whai Rawa Theme Leaders - Associate Professor Mānuka Hēnāre and Dr Shaun Awatere. 

Shaun and Mānuka also invite you to meet with them virtually to discuss and outline the process involved.

Three Whai Rawa hui are scheduled for:     

  • Monday, 18th July, 11am-12pm
  • Tuesday, 19th July, 1-2pm
  • Wednesday, 20th July, 2-3pm

To join any of the above meetings you can use your PC (or phone or laptop) with video camera and microphone or just telephone in. It is suggested that large groups or those in same sites/institutions look to be in the same room if possible.

Please RSVP Jane Rangiwahia as soon as possible indicating which session you will attend. Jane will then send you the meeting details for the meeting you have requested, and this will enable to you to link into the ZOOM hui. 

NOTE: You will need to ensure you can run ZOOM (download here) to join these virtual hui.

All lead applicants must be Māori researchers, and be employed at one of our 21 Partner Institutions.

Collaboration with other institutions and organisations outside of the NPM network is accepted, and all researchers supported by this funding will be known as NPM researchers.

The full Statement of Intent to seed and scope new research can be downloaded here.

A Request for Proposals (RFP) will be sent to all NPM researchers and partners by 31 July, and this RFP will provide further details on the purpose, requirements, application and assessment process.

He Kōrero | Our Stories

Natalie Netzler is investigating the anti-viral properties of Samoan plants and is interested in researching the anti-viral properties of rongoā, in partnership with Māori practitioners.

Neuroscientist Nicole Edwards is establishing her own lab at the University of Auckland and is eager to tautoko students interested in a career in brain research.

AUT senior lecturer Deborah Heke encourages wāhine Māori to cherish their connection with te taiao.