Tēnā koe, otirā, tēnā koutou katoa

He karanga tēnei ki ngā pia tini whāioio o Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga, koutou kua papata ki ngā moka, ki ngā tōpito o te motu, nā reira tēnā koutou katoa.  He inoi tēnei kia tauawhi mai i te kaupapa nei.

Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga (NPM) extends a warm greeting to the many tauira who have been part of the NPM experience over the years. We ask for your assistance with a simple online survey as part of our contractual obligations to our funders.

Kei Hea Koe Ināianei? Where are you now? TAKE OR PREVIEW THE SURVEY

Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga has opened a small survey which will help assemble some vital information on where previously supported and funded NPM tauira (students) are now.

The Kei Hea Koe Ināianei survey is designed to capture information on where past and present tauira are, and what they are doing, following NPM's earlier support or engagement (e.g. study, scholarship, award, supervision, internship or MAI Te Kupenga).

Whether it is still in formal study, post-graduate placements, full or part-time employment - NPM would like to find out more about your current circumstances.

Assembling this information is a requirement of the Tertiary Education Commission, NPM's Funder, and their Performance Measurement Framework for our annual reporting.  But in addition to this, the information will allow NPM to highlight the importance of our ongoing student engagement programme as well as the vital role of graduate education, and will we hope help to provide some context to the important contribution that ongoing tertiary education makes to individuals and whānau, Iwi and Māori.

The survey is for internal reporting use only and none of the individual or personal information or records will be made publicly available. The collated and confidential summary data and overview will be supplied to the Tertiary Education Commission and Ministry of Education as our reporting requirements.

If at any point future use of the information in the survey is required for fuller case studies or examples, we will contact participants and gain their full informed consent.

In the meantime the information gathered will remain confidential to Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga and will help us build a better tauira profile and understanding the contribution we and study have made.

If you are a past or current NPM support or engaged tauira and can spare 5 minutes to complete this simple online form and survey, it would be greatly appreciated. COMPLETE THE SURVEY

Tēnā koe mō tō awhina mai i te kaupapa nei.

Nā Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga

+64 9 923 4220