In next weeks Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga (NPM) - Horizons of Insight Seminar, Aneta Morgan (Te Arawa) will be presenting Taunakitia Te Marae: Marae as Centres of Excellence - a Te Arawa Perspective.
On Wednesday 29th July, Aneta will describe the results of their research project, the aim of which is to identify and share best practice and aspirations in marae development across Te Arawa marae.
The research, conducted through multiple hui across the rohe, identified three key areas of need that ensure that marae could be centres of excellence for their people.
• Rangatahi engagement
• Succession planning
• Te Reo Māori
This NPM project, conducted in collaboration with Waikato-Tainui College for Research & Development and Te Kotahi Research Institute, explores the concept that marae are central to the survival of the language into the future and integral to the identity and ongoing well-being of hapū and whānau.
And so in in seven days, in Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori - Māori Language Week - NPM invites you to attend our fifth Horizons of Insight Seminar for the year, on this fascinating and engaging subject.
Wednesday, July 29th
12.30pm - 1.30pm
Light refreshments will be served afterwards
Waipapa Marae
16 Wynyard Street
University of Auckland
This is an open and public seminar
Nau mai! Haere mai! All are welcome!
He Kōrero | Our Stories
Natalie Netzler is investigating the anti-viral properties of Samoan plants and is interested in researching the anti-viral properties of rongoā, in partnership with Māori practitioners.
Neuroscientist Nicole Edwards is establishing her own lab at the University of Auckland and is eager to tautoko students interested in a career in brain research.
AUT senior lecturer Deborah Heke encourages wāhine Māori to cherish their connection with te taiao.