What are the cultural, ethical, research, legal and scientific (CERLS) issues that are inherent in research on rongoā Māori plants and healing?

Debate about the misappropriation of information and knowledge in research means that greater care and attention is needed regarding Māori input and participation into research. This is even more important in the area of Rongoā Māori where matters such as inappropriate usage, intellectual property rights and commercialisation of information are of significant concern.

Previous research has focused on comprehensive consultation with Māori healers about issues relating to the sustainability of rongoā and similar concerns were raised; however this project focuses specifi cally on exploring the multifaceted and sensitive issues involved in future Rongoā Māori research.

Four representative groups with expertise in the practice, research, legal and science aspects of rongoā are being consulted individually and then collectively. Over a series of meetings participants are being asked how they think future research  about rongoā Māori should be conducted and how that is best managed to align with the strategies identifi ed during meeting one. Information is also being gathered on the CERLS framework for addressing issues on future rongoā Māori  research.

The information collected  in this study will be used to develop the wider research framework, which in turn will underpin the development of a full research programme plan on Rongoā Māori.

  1. Hui and interviews conducted and transcribed
  2. Analysis of interview and hui data to inform guidelines and report undertaken
  3. Drafted research with rongoā guidelines, with application to a range of interested groups (researchers, scientists, healers, practitioners and Māori health providers).