Project commenced:

This Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga research project aims to assess the status of selected taonga shellfish (including pipi, tuatua, kina and pāua) resources within the Rohe Moana o Tauranga Moana, and the impacts caused by the grounding of the cargo vessel Rena on these fisheries and iwi ability to manage them. The Rena grounding highlighted to iwi the threats posed by environmental disasters to traditional fisheries. In this case, fisheries were closed along the coast and at times, from Waihī to Pukehina. Rubbish, oil and containers washed ashore from Waihī to Te Kaha highlighting the widespread effects on coastlines and fisheries. This case study will serve as an example for all iwi across the country in regards to fisheries management and impacts caused by environmental disasters of this scale.

This project led by Principal Investigator Associate Professor Paul Kayes also aims to develop a shellfish fishery management plan for the Tauranga Moana Iwi Customary Fisheries Trust in partnership with MAF.