Project commenced:

Whangapoua Harbour is within the Ngati Huarere rohe and they are kaitiaki for the harbour which is considered a taonga. Ngati Huarere are concerned about the effects of the Matarangi Wastewater Treatment Plant discharge on the mauri of the harbour, swimming, the gathering of seafood and the wider cultural relationship that Ngati Huarere enjoyed with the harbour. This research project has been initiated by Ngati Huarere to investigate the impact of the Matarangi Waste Water Treatment Plant on the mauri of Whangapoua Harbour and the ecosystem. Located within the Ngāti Huarere Ki Whangapoua rohe, at Whangapoua on the Coromandel Peninsula and and at the University of Auckland the intern will carry out a literature review of wastewater treatment plant discharge impacts on water bodies including cultural considerations and the reports of the Waitangi Tribunal. They will also identify a suitable evaluation process and secure ethics approval for marae workshops. Field work will involve gathering data from local information sources, to confirm the physical scope of the project and to identify specific sites of relevance and they will complete an evaluation of impact upon mauri and interpret findings within the context of the Ngati Huarere Ki Whangapoua worldviews.

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