Year of publication
Publication type
Tudor RosePublication ISBN
Sir Mason Durie Associate Professor Tracey McIntoshEditor(s)
Jackie Griffiths Sean Nicklen Ben CornwellFamily Futures has been published by Tudor Rose, a commercial publisher and information provider with considerable experience in UN publishing since 1999 to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the International Year of the Family in 2014. It is a fully illustrated 200-page book with sixty authors relating their efforts in the three priority areas guiding the preparations for the 20th anniversary: Confronting family poverty; Ensuring work-family balance; Advancing social integration and intergenerational solidarity.
The authors include Heads of State, National Government Ministers, academics and civil society representatives and includes chapters from Emeritus Professor Sir Mason Durie on WhānauOra: strengtheningMāori families in Aotearoa, New Zealand, and Associate Professor Tracey Mckintosh on Māori whānauwell-being: addressing child and family poverty. Their commentaries draw up on experiences around the world reflecting the importance of strengthening the role of the family in present and future societies. The book contains examples of family programmes in 74 separate countries.
By focusing on different levels of society, but particularly the experiences and livelihoods of local communities in vulnerable human habitats, it projects the benefits of experience in improving the lives of families worldwide, and a dvance shared commitment to the importance of families as both agents and beneficiaries of sustainable development and their particular role in advancing social integration and intergenerational solidarity. In this latter respect, Family Futures amplifies and contributes to the international dialogue that is being created by the 20th Anniversary of the IYF. As an outreach publication it will be used to emphasize the role of families in sustainable human development and highlight the ongoing benefits that the Year has generated. The digital edition is available at http://digital.tudor-rose.co.uk/family-futures/
Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga contributions, by our researchers, Sir Mason Durie and Associate Professor Tracey McIntosh, start on pages 45 and 115 respectively.