NPM research solves real world challenges facing Māori. We do so in Māori-determined and inspired ways engendering sustainable relationships that grow the mana (respect and regard) and mauri (life essence) of the world we inhabit. Use the filters below to search our research
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  • Māori (and Indigenous) women engage in embodied relationship with the natural environment in a range of ways, such as raranga, rongoā, or physical activity.  This research will explore what these embodied relationships can teach us about the potential for reciprocal healing between wahine and whenua, person and place, by developing a network of Māori and Indigenous women and prioritising m

    Project commenced:
  • 2018 Conference

    'Aulani Wilhelm (Hawaiian) - Indigeneity in a Changing Climate

    It is hard to escape the reality that our climate is rapidly changing – in the natural world, and other wise. We are already experiencing the confluence of impacts from a dramatically warming planet: an acidic ocean, massive shifts in rainfall, intensity and duration of storms and fires, climate induced war and mass migration, and declines in agriculture and wild fish stocks.

  • 2008 Conference

    'Indigenes in dialogue'

    'Indigenes in dialogue' by Tamisailau Sua'ali'i-Sauni.

  • 2009 Seminars

    ‘Movement ecology’ of the common brush tail possum

    ‘Movement ecology’ of the common brush tail possum by Dr Todd Dennis.

  • Ubiquitous Maths Learning Made Easy for Rangatahi and Adult Learners. (Especially if we are in lockdown!)

    Adults and rangatahi often come to maths learning with an already formed (negative) mathematics learning identity. Rangatahi know that for certain future goals they will need to “have” mathematics as part of their knowledge “suite”.

    Project commenced:
    Project completed
  • 2015 Seminars

    "Ka Tangi te Pīpīwharauroa, Ko te Karere a Mahuru"

    The whakataukī - Ka tangi te pīpīwharauroa, ko te karere a Mahuru - speaks to how the pīpīwharauroa’s call signals that spring has commenced and also conveniently provides an analogy that seems appropriate to the current state of te reo Māori.