NPM research solves real world challenges facing Māori. We do so in Māori-determined and inspired ways engendering sustainable relationships that grow the mana (respect and regard) and mauri (life essence) of the world we inhabit. Use the filters below to search our research
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  • Joe Hawke was a young boy when his people were forcibly removed from the place he knew as home; the Ngāti Whātua papakāinga at Ōkahu Bay, which was burned to the ground in a move regarded by the government of the day as the best resolution.

  • NPM COVID19 Tautoko

    “Mauri Tau” - Dr Waikaremoana Waitoki

    Watch Dr Waikaremoana Waitoki messaging on keeping well. Made during COVID-19 Alert level 4 Aotearoa/New Zealand State of Emergency. Waikaremoana is a Clinical Psychologist specialising in mental health based at the Māori Psychology Research Unit, University of Waikato.  Her research interests are in Kaupapa Māori psychology, adult mental health, child and adolescent mental health.

  • NPM COVID19 Tautoko

    “Noho ki te kāinga” - Dr Joseph (Joe) Te Rito


    Watch Dr Joseph (Joe) Te Rito messaging on hygiene practices. Made during COVID-19 Alert level 4 Aotearoa/New Zealand State of Emergency. From Rongomaiwahine and Ngāti Kahungunu iwi, Joe is passionate about promoting the oral language of his elders as the exemplars for second-language learners of Te Reo Māori.

  • NPM COVID19 Tautoko

    “Noho ki te kāinga” - Professor Jenny Lee-Morgan


    Professor Jenny Lee-Morgan messaging on ""Noho ki te kāinga"" - Stay at Home during COVID-19 Alert level 4 Aotearoa/New Zealand State of Emergency. Jenny is Director of Ngā Wai a Te Tūī at NPM partner institution Unitec. Amongst others, she leads programmes of research on pūrākau, te reo revitalisation and the role of marae in the housing crisis.


  • 2013 Symposium

    2013 Symposium Tracey McIntosh

  • 2013 Symposium

    2013 Symposium: Angus MacFarlane & Melinda Webber