NPM research solves real world challenges facing Māori. We do so in Māori-determined and inspired ways engendering sustainable relationships that grow the mana (respect and regard) and mauri (life essence) of the world we inhabit. Use the filters below to search our research
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  • Ōkahu Bay lies adjacent to Te Whenua Rangatira, occupying a dominant headland near the mouth of the Waitemata Harbour, collectively the ancestral home of Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei.

    Project commenced:
  • Whenua Rangatira lies adjacent to Okahu Bay, occupying a dominant headland near the mouth of the Waitemata Harbour. The headland and surroundings are the ancestral home of Ngāti Whātua o Ōrākei. Under the Ōrākei Act 1991, several parcels of land, including Whenua Rangatira, were returned to Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei to be co-managed as a reserve with Auckland Council for the benefit of all Aucklanders.

    Project commenced:
  • PhDs are the backbone of any research community. Yet for the first hundred years or so of universities in New Zealand the number of Māori doctorates could have been counted on not too many hands. This might make the target Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga set in 2002 of contributing to 500 new Māori PhDs in five years only look the more unrealistic. But it is a welcome measure of change, and of a lot of hard work, that Emeritus Professor Leslie R Tumoana Williams, the Centre’s Capability Building Manager, says that target is well on the way to being achieved.

  • Meihana Watson

  • This is an extension of the Mauri Model based assessment conducted in 2011/2012 which assessed the impact of fracking on the Blood Tribe's lands in Ontario. The findings of this research will be extended by encompassing the input of the Iwi affected by consents issued to allow mining exploration activities in the Taitokerau and Heretaunga rohe.

    Project commenced:
  • 2015 Seminars

    Mission Impossible? - Returning the Mauri of the ecosystem to its pre-Rena state

    An Environment Court hearing is imminent that will consider an application to leave the remnants of the MV Rena on the tupuna Otaiti (Astrolabe Reef). 

    This seminar describes the contribution that the Mauri model has made to better understanding the complexity of New Zealand's worst environmental disaster.