• In our most recent Te Arotahi Paper (link to paper here), NPM researchers are calling for our policy-makers to recognise and respect Māori concepts of wealth in advancing Māori financial literacy, in the face of the additional challenges now in front of our communities in this fast changing world.  

  • As part of our Tautoko Strategy, Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga is committed to ensuring that our researchers have a platform for communicating their expertise and insights into Covid-19 and the wider implications it may have on whānau and Indigenous communities.


  • NPM has been publishing multiple video logs from our network of researchers, as they share with and support our communities with important messages for the conditions and impact of the Covid-19 era we find ourselves in. Our primary goal is to bring Indigenous knowledge, science, evidence and resources to the task of supporting advisors, decision-makers, iwi, our communities and whānau.

  • NPM researcher and University of Auckland Law Associate Professor Dr Claire Charters (Ngāti Whakaue, Tūwharetoa, Ngāpuhi and Tainui) laid out Aotearoa’s dual legal systems and the government’s obligations to both in these uncertain times, in a recently published op-ed piece in The Spinoff.

  • Read --> Dr Claire Charter's opinion piece in The Spinoff. The Covid-19 era is like a fast-moving picture which perpetually develops and re-develops. The picture adjusts with ever-changing information on the relevant health-science, the impact on the economy, the need for restrictions on movement, and the openness of our borders into the future. Where does our rock, New Zealand’s constitutional foundation, te Tiriti o Waitangi fit in all of this? Right in the centre, together with He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.  Law professor Dr Claire Charters (Ngati Whakaue, Tuwharetoa, Nga Puhi and Tainui) lays out Aotearoa’s dual legal systems and the government’s obligations to both in these uncertain times.

  • Who has the authority to make decisions, especially in times of emergency? Our elected representatives and their officials assume it’s them, writes Kerensa Johnston, but the further you get from Lambton Quay and the so-called corridors of power, the less this holds true.  Read Kerensa's full article in E-Tangata.

    Kerensa Johnston (Ngāti Tama, Ngāruahine and Ngāti Whāwhakia) is the chief executive of Wakatū Incorporation, based in Nelson. She has a commercial and legal background, specialising in Māori legal development, constitutional law and international law. Kerensa is the chair of the board of Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga, the Māori Centre of Research Excellence and a member of the International Association of Corporate Counsel, Corporate Lawyers’ New Zealand, and Te Hunga Roia, the Māori Law Society.