• NPM applauds the Waitangi Tribunal’s landmark report calling on the Government to act urgently to address the nation's ongoing governance of water rights, which is in breach of Te Tiriti o Waitangi / the Treaty of Waitangi principles.

  • Is harakeke one key to a sustainable future for Aotearoa and, if it is, how do we utilise it to develop this sustainable future?

    The NPM project Harakeke for a Sustainable Future in Whakaki, is being led by Dr Simon Hills from Massey University and has been examining the interface between mātauranga Māori and ecological science related to harakeke.

  • Ka ora te whenua, ka ora te tangata – When the land is healthy, people are healthy

    Ka ora te tangata, ka ora te whenua – When people are healthy, the land is healthy

  • On Friday 13 September, the New Zealand Drug Foundation is hosting a significant symposium in Parliament “Through the Maze: just and equitable drug law reform”.

  • For the past 12 months Dr Jordan Te Aramoana Waiti (Ngāti Pikiao, Ngāti Maahanga, Te Rarawa) - University of Waikato, has been working on an exciting NPM scoping project - Wai-Tai, Wai-Rua: A Mātauranga Māori based Heke Ngaru Programme to Promote Mauri Ora.

  • On Thursday 25th July, the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) formally announced the next Centre of Research Excellence (CoRE) funding round details. See the announcement here.

  • NPM's 2018 Annual Report  centres around our vision of Māori Leading New Zealand into the Future and providing research of excellence that will benefit all of our communities. Download a full digital copy here.

  • Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga's 2019 Grants and Awards programme is now open, and it is positioned to share our research, build capability and expand capacity across all of NPM's research theme areas.

    This is the last full round of NPM's Grants and Awards programme for our current CoRE contract with the Tertiary Education Commission ending 31 December 2020. And so please note there will not be a full call in 2020 - all grants and awards MUST be completed by 30 November 2020.

    Each of the opportunities below has a formal application process and assessment criteria - please link to the grant or award's criteria and apply online.