• Kei mea mai koe he Tane nana tenei Pukapuka Kahore he wahine au nama (sic) tenei pukapuka.

    Me aroha mai pea koe kiau no te mea kokoe te tino Kawana o Nuitireni koinei i mea atu ai tenei wahine pohara kia koe kia homaiekoe Ngautu oenei pihi whenua kiau.

    Do not think that this letter is from a man. No, I am a woman who wrote this letter.

  • He aha te mea te taonga? Ko te taonga he mea ka tū hei tuakiri mō te whānau, hapū, iwi rānei me ō rātou whenua tipu.

    What exactly are taonga? A taonga can be any item, object or thing that represents the ancestral identity of a Māori kin group (whānau, hapū or iwi) in relation to particular lands and resources.

  • Get paid to build your research skills and make a difference!

    The popular NPM Summer Internship programme is open for submissions once again!

  • NPM announced and launched over $1 million of project development initiatives and post-graduate assistance at the start of September, together with and for its NZ wide research partners and network.

  • Brain Research New Zealand – Rangahau Roro Aotearoa is a Centre of Research Excellence (CoRE) bringing together world leading neuroscience researchers and clinicians from across New Zealand to tackle ageing-related neurological disorders.
  • The annual Ako Aotearoa Tertiary Teaching Excellence Awards recognise and encourage outstanding excellence in tertiary education at the highest national level.

  • Last year, Te Tira Whakamātaki - the National Māori Biosecurity Network - was awarded a scoping grant by NPM. This new Māori network has been established to bring together iwi and hapū who are involved in protecting our biological resources from biosecurity risks and threats.

  • NPM's Co-Directors encourage Māori early-career researchers and post-graduate students to get involved in a new Royal Society Te Apārangi initiative to encourage them to celebrate and share their research, innovations, discoveries and insights.