• Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga is pleased to announce its scholarships for research methods and skills via the New Zealand Social Statistics Network (NZSSN) Winter Programme 2011.

  • Sir Tīpene O’Regan has been honoured as a University of Auckland Fellow in recognition of his contribution to The University, particularly for his work as Chair of the Board of Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga.


    2010 has yet again been a busy year in the life of Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga and here we present the breadth and range of research and activities undertaken, hosted and supported by our Centre over the year. While addressing needs in our communities now, we are also looking firmly to the future, to the far horizon, and supporting research and activities that will transform the research discipline, our communities and society in general.

  • Addictions are now epidemic in New Zealand society and the lifestyles of Māori modelled on non-Māori is now creating considerable health issues in whānau. Results of an exploratory study on the impact of gambling on Māori will be presented in relation to the need for Whānau Ora to be a bipartisan policy and programme for at least a decade or more to address intergenerational trauma.

  • A Special Issue of MAI Review, Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga’s open access scholarly journal, entitled: Community Research Engagement with take place at the Fale Pasifika, University of Auckland. An overview of this Journal Issues contents is well described by the following abstract:

    Researching with Whānau Collectives
    Fiona Cram, Vivienne Kennedy

  • Just as there is no global economic justice without cognitive social justice, equally there can be no equity within academia without cognitive equity. However, indigenous knowledge remains inequitably positioned within the academy yet in this great transitional moment, indigenous knowledge is more critically relevant than perhaps ever before.

  • Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga will this week launch Te Pae Tawhiti: Māori Economic Development, a major research initiative that aims to optimise Māori economic performance and growth. The Honourable Georgina te Heuheu, Associate Minister of Māori Affairs, will launch Te Pae Tawhiti and the Honourable Pita Sharples, Minister of Māori Affairs, will speak at the launch.