NPM's Co-Directors encourage Māori early-career researchers and post-graduate students to get involved in a new Royal Society Te Apārangi initiative to encourage them to celebrate and share their research, innovations, discoveries and insights.

The 150 Years of Discovery: Emerging Research video competition aims to tap into the research stories of early career researchers who are driving the future of science, society and culture; contributing to the growth of our economy, industry, and cultural sectors in New Zealand and globally.

With three separate prizes of between $2500 and $4000 each the 150 Years of Discovery video competition offers you the opportunity to express your passion for innovative research by showcasing your discoveries in a short 3min video and sharing it with the public and fellow researchers.

Link to the Thinkable website here to find out more and submit your entry

He Kōrero | Our Stories

Natalie Netzler is investigating the anti-viral properties of Samoan plants and is interested in researching the anti-viral properties of rongoā, in partnership with Māori practitioners.

Neuroscientist Nicole Edwards is establishing her own lab at the University of Auckland and is eager to tautoko students interested in a career in brain research.

AUT senior lecturer Deborah Heke encourages wāhine Māori to cherish their connection with te taiao.