NPM has developed and confirmed eight new seed and scope research projects that will deliver innovative, inspiring and impactful research, and initiate and lead to transformative outcomes.

Te Reo me ngā tikanga Māori

Tūrangawaewae: A Place to Stand (Dr Marama-Muru Lanning - University of Auckland)

- How has Tūrangawaewae Marae fostered community mauri ora (well-being) within Waikato and in Te Ao Māori more broadly? What role has Tūrangawaewae Marae played as both a repository and a place of action for te Reo me ngaa Tikanga in Waikato and in Aotearoa-New Zealand? What are the factors underpinning Tūrangawaewae Marae’s endurance as a centre for Māori political action and manaakitanga (caring for community) both nationally and for Waikato whānau

Te Tiaki i te whakapututanga taonga-a-tuhi a ngā tipuna (Professor David Tipene-Leach - EIT)

- Can the mid-19th Century letters of Kahungunu tipuna resisting lands sales and the log books of a local Native Land Court translator of the same period - both written in Te Reo Māori - be best prepared as a resource for research at Te Oranga Waka (Māori Studies), Eastern Institute of Technology.

Whakarongo ki ngā kī mai ā ngā tīpuna (Dr Joseph Te Rito - Ako Aotearoa)

- What linguistic material does the digitally recorded and stored text of Rongomaiwahine-Kahungunu elders gathered by Radio Kahungunu over the last 30 years contain, that is of relevance in language revitalisation efforts by local Māori and potentially internationally? What mātauranga Māori do these records contain that is of value to local Māori and potentially internationally?

Puni reo: Normalisaing Māori Language in new domains (Professor Jenny Lee-Morgan - Unitec)

- What is the innovation of Puni Reo and how does it operate as a community-based initiative to retain and normalise te reo Māori in non-traditional Māori language domains, to reach rangatahi and wider society?

Mauri Ora: Human Flourishing

What we were and what we could be: Restorative Justice and its impact on Māori (Danny Poa - University of Otago)

- What are the barriers Māori face when they participate in restorative justice as it stands? What can we learn from the traditional ways of resolving conflict that could minimise these barriers?

Perceptions of Papakāinga: An examination of 'home' and how to cater services for Māori (Dr Amohia Boulton - Whakauae Research Services)

- How do urban and rural Māori conceptualise “home” and do these ideas of home differ across generations? Do perceptions of home affect decisions to access services (education, health, financial, etc.?). If so, how? How can services be improved to incorporate these views / perceptions of home?

Whai Rawa: Māori Economies

A Kaupapa Māori Approach to Human Resource Management Practices in Aotearoa Workplaces (Professor Jarrod Haar - AUT)

- What unique Human Resource Management practices are offered in Aotearoa workplaces that directly engage in a positive way with Māori employees? What do these look like? How are the perceived (and received) by Māori and non-Māori employees? Do they positively shape attitudes as we might expect - and if not, why not? What are the barriers and drivers behind them?

Te Tai Ao: The Natural Environment

Ngā miru ā ira kawe hā: Modified local soil and oxygen nanobubble technology to heal unwell taonga lakes (Dr Shaun Ogilvie - Cawthron Institute)

- How can local tangata whenua be empowered to make the best decisions for sustainable management of eutrophic lakes in Aotearoa? Do cutting-edge oxygen nanobubble technologies have applicability to satisfy tangata whenua demands for sustainable lake management?


These one year projects will commence later this year and conclude by December 2020

He Kōrero | Our Stories

Natalie Netzler is investigating the anti-viral properties of Samoan plants and is interested in researching the anti-viral properties of rongoā, in partnership with Māori practitioners.

Neuroscientist Nicole Edwards is establishing her own lab at the University of Auckland and is eager to tautoko students interested in a career in brain research.

AUT senior lecturer Deborah Heke encourages wāhine Māori to cherish their connection with te taiao.