I tēnei tau 2019 kua tukua mai e Ngā Pae o Te Māramatanga, he taumata o MAI Pitopito Kōrero (MAI Journal) kia whakaaratia mai e ngā kaituhi reo a rātou pūkenga rangahau tuhituhi ki roto i tō tātou reo rangatira. He taumata hohonu, ātaahua tēnei kia whakaaratia te kounga o te reo rangahau haepapa matatau. Ko te kōmata taketake mō āu nei kaupapa rangahau kia tuhia mai ki roto i te reo.
Ko ō whakaaro, tikanga, tūmanako, nawe, hītoria, korero tuku iho, kaupapa rangahau mātauranga taketake, mātauranga hou rānei, whakawhiti kōrero pono tuhia mai. Ka āhei te kaituhi kia whai whakaaro ki ngā momo kete wānanga o te whakatakoto ki roto i te reo ē pūmau ana ki tō whāinga rangahau. E takoto ai i a koutou, tātau ngā kaituhi reo he oranga, tūhonotanga whakaara i te mātauranga o te whānau, hapū me te iwi hai wānanga whānui, whakamua.
Kai kōnei, kai roto i tāu tuhituhi ka tipu tahi mai te huhua o te whakaaro o ā tātau hanga reo rangahau matatau e pā kaha nei ki o tātou wawata kia hira te kounga o te reo mō ā tātau mahi tuhituhi, rangahau, akoranga whakangungu. Ko āu nei tuhituhi kia hipa atu i te 5 mano kupu, mutu iho i te 7 mano kupu.
Submission and Deadline Details
To submit a paper, please visit our submission portal here. For consideration for MAI Pitopito Kōrero 2020, articles should reach us no later than 1st March 2020. We recommend early submission. For further details, please contact us at editors@journal.mai.ac.nz
MAI Journal: A New Zealand Journal of Indigenous Scholarship
Ph: +64 9 923 6109
He Kōrero | Our Stories
Natalie Netzler is investigating the anti-viral properties of Samoan plants and is interested in researching the anti-viral properties of rongoā, in partnership with Māori practitioners.
Neuroscientist Nicole Edwards is establishing her own lab at the University of Auckland and is eager to tautoko students interested in a career in brain research.
AUT senior lecturer Deborah Heke encourages wāhine Māori to cherish their connection with te taiao.