Neihana Matamua (Massey University) recently completed his summer internship working on the project Seeking pathways to mauri ora for tāngata Māori with long-term conditions.

In this project he was focusing on the first stage of a wider project (also funded by NPM), arranging and participating in the intimate interview process, which looked into the experiences of Māori living with long-term health conditions (LTHC).

Sharing the emotional and personal journeys of the participants, motivated and obligated Neihana to not just complete quality work on this project but also to connect with it in a way that honoured their experiences.

The project has identified the importance of recognising that Takahi mana (loss of dignity) and Maharahara (fear and anxiety) are central to the experiences of Māori living with LTHC.

Concepts such as Whakawhānaungatanga (relationship building), Rangatiratanga (independence) and Whakapapa (genealogical links and identity), provide an important perspective on identifying pathways that will enable a better life for these people.

Neihana has encountered many challenges over the course of the project, but overall it was an enriching and positive learning experience - from the intense writing process, to the collation of interview summaries and the linking of information from literature reviews to create meaningful discussion.

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