He rangahau i ngā kōrero mō Ngāti Ira o te Tairāwhiti. Nō te wā i tuhituhia e Apirana Ngata tana tuhinga e kīia nei ko ‘Raurunui a Toi Lectures’ (Ngata A.T., 1944) ka whakawhāiti ia i ngā kōrero me ngā whakapapa o te hītori o te Tairāwhiti me tana kī kāore anō i oti i a ia, tērā ētahi kōrero nui hei whakaoti ā te wā. Kāti ko tētahi o aua kōrero nui, mō Ngāti Ira, arā, mō ngā uri o Irakaipūtahi, he iwi nui i te Tairāwhiti i tōna wā. Nā reira e manako nui ana kia whāia tēnei kaupapa kia tutuki. Ko te mahi, he whakawhāiti i ngā momo kōrero mai i Hawaiki rā anō, tatū iho ki tēnei rā hei putunga kōrero hei wānanga mā te iwi.

Intern - Ngā Rauru-kii-Tahi, Ngā Ruahinerangi Victoria University of Wellington Supervisor - Dr Wayne Ngata Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi


Project commenced:

Research Lead(s) and Team

Te Aitanga a Hauiti Ngāti Ira Ngāti Porou

Raised in the Tairāwhiti, Wayne resides in Ūawa (Tolaga Bay), and with others in the community, is an advocate for what Ūawa offers itself, the region, the country and the world.  He is an active supporter of education towards constructive and productive citizenship, particularly in te reo Māori. His particular area of scholarship is Māori literature, specifically the language of mōteatea (traditional chant).