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  • 2008 Conference

    Harvesting peace from a field of conflict, Patricio Dominquez, Pueblo de Las Cruces, New Mexico,  in the 2008 International Indigenous Research Conference Te Tatau Pounamu: The Greenstone Door: Traditional knowledge and gateways to balanced relationships, hosted by Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga.

  • 2008 Conference

    Law-full women by Dr Irene Watson, University of South Australia, in the 2008 International Indigenous Research Conference Te Tatau Pounamu: The Greenstone Door: Traditional knowledge and gateways to balanced relationships, hosted by Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga.

  • 2008 Conference

    Non-violent resistance at Parihaka in the 1880s by Dr Huirangi Waikerepuru, Western Institution of Taranaki, in the 2008 International Indigenous Research Conference Te Tatau Pounamu: The Greenstone Door: Traditional knowledge and gateways to balanced relationships, hosted by Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga.

  • 2008 Conference

    Opening Address of the 2008 International Indigenous Research Conference Behind the Greenstone Door: Traditional knowledge and gateways to balanced relationships by Professor Linda Tuwhiwai Smith.

  • 2008 Conference

    Passive resistance at Takaparawhau, Bastion Point by Grant Hawke, Ngāti Whatua ki Ōrakei Trust board, in the 2008 International Indigenous Research Conference Te Tatau Pounamu: The Greenstone Door: Traditional knowledge and gateways to balanced relationships, hosted by Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga.

  • 2008 Conference

    Preventing the effects of the 'colonial dome of thinking' by Jim Everett, Plangermairreenner clan, Tasmania, in the 2008 International Indigenous Research Conference Te Tatau Pounamu: The Greenstone Door: Traditional knowledge and gateways to balanced relationships, hosted by Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga.