Internship project


Pae Ahurei

Pātai Te Ao Māori

Project commenced:
Project completed

Project Summary: The Whakarauora Research Project aims to re-integrate traditional fishing methods used by Whanganui tūpuna into the development of an education curriculum and through facilitating wānanga. Wānanga have been facilitated for a tamariki and rangatahi environmental group, called Te Morehu Whenua, who have been established under the auspices of hapū associated with Rānana Marae, Whanganui. As a case study, Te Morehu Whenua examine taonga species within the Whanganui River area, which include tuna, kākahi, kōura, atutahi and pātiki. Te Morehu Whenua are currently exploring the construction, history and functionality of pātaka, particularly pātaka kai, with the aim of re-integrating its future use within the Whanganui River area.

Further, the student will be tasked with researching the following on Whanganui pātaka:

• Appropriate placement of pātaka according to the tikanga associated with the whenua;

• Appropriate usages of the different pātaka in Whanganui;

• Customary design of the Whanganui pātaka;

• Customary construction of the Whanganui pātaka; and

• Customary maintenance of the Whanganui pātaka kai.