Living Uniquely

Research to cherish and celebrate distinctively Māori futures.

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  • Project Summary: The Whakarauora Research Project aims to re-integrate traditional fishing methods used by Whanganui tūpuna into the development of an education curriculum and through facilitating wānanga.

    Project commenced:
    Project completed
  • Project Supervisors: Morgan Tupaea and Dr. Rāwiri Tinirau

    Institution: Te Atawhai o Te Ao: Independent Māori Research Institute for Environment and Health

    Project Summary: The Whakapapa Research Project aims to gather whānau narratives from eight whānau case studies. As this project unfolds, whānau responses to challenges they have experienced will be documented, and a whānau research methodology will be developed. Through this project, an innovative space of whānau narratives and whakapapa connections will be created, and provide insight into the organisation, perseverance, and preservation of whānau and whakapapa over time.

    Project commenced:
    Project completed