2015 Seminars

Whai Rawa - Research for the Māori Economy

The modern Māori economy is a dynamic, deep-rooted, complex and ever evolving space.

Kaitiakitanga of natural resources, issues around intergenerational wealth, maintenance of cultural identity, and the wellbeing of iwi, hapū and whānau all play an important part in future strategic
development of tribal resources and business opportunities. 

For Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga (NPM), the term Whai Rawa acknowledges and describes the diverse Māori economies that exist in the modern world, where regional iwi and hapū led enterprises, both rural and urban, engage not only with each other but also with national and international business networks.

From independent Māori enterprise, to small whānau businesses, units within hapū or iwi structures, tribal incorporations and larger pan-tribal entities, and often across interconnected resource sectors - the Māori economy is maturing and growing quickly.

Recent historic Te Tiriti o Waitangi / Treaty of Waitangi claim settlements are only hastening this process and many iwi are rapidly transitioning to post-settlement activities. Within the next three years most will have settled, and will have established their post settlement governance entities with significant resources to manage.

In this seminar, Whai Rawa Theme Leaders - Assc. Professor Mānuka Hēnare and Dr Shaun Awatere, present an overview of this research theme and the four foundational projects that spring from it.

These projects will, in partnership with local communities, identify, explore and develop the opportunities that exist to improve not only their economies, but also their environmental, social and cultural investment priorities. Mānuka and Shaun will also present NPM’s initial thoughts on the design and development of a national Māori economic research strategy.