NPM research solves real world challenges facing Māori. We do so in Māori-determined and inspired ways engendering sustainable relationships that grow the mana (respect and regard) and mauri (life essence) of the world we inhabit. Use the filters below to search our research
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  • Māori are facing many challenges in their work experiences, especially during Covid-19. This research seeks to understand the unique cultural strategies that employees engage in that make these challenges more bearable.

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    Project completed
  • 2024 Seminars

    Livestream: UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of Indigenous Peoples Public Talk at Waipapa Marae

    Join us for a public lecture from the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples - the Nin Tomas Memorial Lecture for 2024. The Special Rapporteur, Francisco Calí Tzay, will speak about lessons learned from constitutional reform movements and about the implementation of UNDRIP.

  • 2011 Symposium - Optimising Māori Economic Development: Critical Success factors

    Local Solutions, Local Opportunities

    Traci Houpapa is the Chairman of the Federation of Māori Authorities, and the Tainui Board member. She is the first woman to lead FoMA since its establishment in 1987, and is committed to encouraging and promoting Maori participation in economic development.

  • 2015 Extractive Industry Symposium

    Mahanga Maru - NZ Petroleum & Minerals

  • This project explores the role that enterprise plays in indigenous self-determination. In New Zealand, we have chosen to examine Māori business networks (MBNs), which we argue are a manifestation of this struggle, but suffer from the absence of a sustainable business model.

    Project commenced:


    The past month has been an extremely busy one at NPM with our network being in full planning mode for the upcoming International Indigenous Climate Change Research Summit. The virtual gathering, which will take place from November 13 – 17, is designed to amplify Indigenous voices, ideas and actionable solutions on climate change.

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